October Horoscopes

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
October is an excellent month to start thinking about how you want to feel in your body. If it brings up any feelings of pain or difficulty, this month invites you to reflect on and initiate healing work around embodiment. Mercury retrograde will assist you in reviewing the ways you support and feed yourself, literally and metaphorically. Simply put, slow down your pace dear Libra.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The Mercury retrograde this month will likely bring up revelations about who you are and how some of your relationships may not be the best mirror or support you need to grow and heal at this time in your life. You may wrestle with difficult memories and figure out how to make peace with the past. In the meantime, focus on being consistent with taking smaller actions every day over bigger ambitious goals.
October will inspire you to take a step back and spend some meaningful time alone. You might even find yourself feeling physically incapable of taking on more than you can handle right now. Setting boundaries applies to yourself too. It is also an excellent time to explore new social connections and conceive of new dreams. And lastly, finish up some creative and work projects that you need to let go of.
Dec. 22- Jan. 19
You will be balancing a lot of personal, communal and professional demands this month, Capricorn. As excited as you might be to venture into new future possibilities, there are situations at home that need your attention. Wrap up things you need to finish so that when you’re ready to tackle important career goals, your slate is clean. Don’t let outdated circumstances drag you down.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Retracing steps and reviewing your plans regarding your work and overall direction in life will be the focus this month. You will be questioning old frameworks you used to believe in that may have been sabotaging your efforts for growth and healing. Let go of what needs to decline and die. Tell yourself new stories. Finish up certain work projects so you can move forward.
Feb. 19-March 20
Get ready to manage and review your finances and shared resources this month. There is a turning point with regards to how you’re supporting yourself. A new beginning that may involve loans, grants or inheritances is possible. Also, you may be engaging with certain endings that will help reframe your worldview. Remember: what you believe in informs how you experience your life.
March 21-April 19
October will be a month of gathering data and information to figure out how much you’re actually learning. Perhaps you need a new strategy. Situations concerning your finances will mark new beginnings as well as overdue endings. It’s time you review how to share your resources and time with others best. Break out of your usual groove with new routes and habits to spice up your daily routine.
April 20-May 20
Re-examining your relationships and partnerships will be the focus this month. Similarly, the conditions of your day to day work life will also be under scrutiny. Remember, the aim of critiquing these areas of your life is to optimize and make things better. You are going through profound changes and it makes sense that it’s affecting how you want to relate with others. Sometimes change means growth.
May 21-June 21
You may be feeling the tension between your desire for a radically different life and the comfort of what’s familiar. Abate your restlessness by making small changes over big sweeping ones. It is more sustainable and sets you up for success. Imagine clearly and practically your ideal day to day life. Figure out how you can centre joy in your decisions.
June 22-July 22
Rest and repeat. This is your October cosmic prescription. Frankly, it is easier said than done. You can either approach this suggestion like a project and plan out how to have meaningful respite this month. Or you can not overthink it and just do what naturally flows. Some days it may look like sleeping in. Other times it’s eating fruit. Resting means caring for yourself, whatever that looks like.
July 23-Aug. 22
October is all about what home means to you. If you’ve had difficult experiences growing up, this month will inspire you to reflect on what safety in your own space looks like. Significant changes are going on in your life and it’s essential that you have a private resting place to help you take your time, process and heal.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
This month is all about language. Mercury retrograde often skews communication and distorts meaning. Focus on clarifying and taking your time to say what you mean. New changes are propping up for you financially. You’re moving through existential changes that are guiding you through the next phase of your financial goals. However, remember that your ability to receive help is just as important as supporting yourself.