Blog,  Lifestyle & Health

DIY Lip Balm For You And The Kids

Kool Aid Lip Balm

All it takes is 15 minutes and two ingredients that you probably already have around the house to make Kool- Aid- Lip Balm! This is a fun project that doubles as an even cooler gift! 


  • Petroleum Jelly
  • Kool-Aid Packets (All different flavors)
  • Cosmetic Jars/Containers 


  • Add 1 tablespoon of petroleum jelly to a microwavable safe bowl. Microwave for 1-2 minutes, or until petroleum jelly is liquefied. 
  • Add 1 pack of Kool- Aid to the liquefied petroleum jelly and stir until it is pretty much dissolved. (It will not completely dissolve).

Spoon mixture into a cosmetic jar/ container. (You’ll have a little bit left in the bowl that did not dissolve, discard this).

  • Let cool for about 15 minutes.
  • Then it’s ready to wear and look fabulous.

Hi my name is Minnie. I love what I do here on this platform as a lifestyle blogger. I'm into my family, traveling, fashion, cooking, arts,crafts and trending news of what's going on in the world that we live in today. So subscribe and stay tuned because Aspire To Be has a lot to say and give.